Press Release Issued for Africa Regional Meeting (Kampala, Uganda)

July 17, 2024
Author:Coalition Secretariat

Finance Ministries From Across Africa Are Meeting In Kampala To Drive Climate Adaptation Action - July 17, 2024

Coalition Presents its Work Program for 2024-25

April 22, 2024
Author:Coalition Secretariat

The new Strategic Work Program for 2024-2025 now acts as the central document for all key Coalition information.

Global Leaders Call for Stronger Engagement from Ministries of Finance to Raise Climate Ambition and Accelerate Climate Action

April 17, 2024
Author:Coalition Secretariat

Washington DC, United States, 17 April 2024 – In a vital push for climate action, global finance and environmental leaders alongside the UN, issued a Call to Action today to strengthen the engagement of Ministries of Finance in developing, implementing, and financing new national climate plans, or Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), due in 2025.

An Extension of Indonesia’s Co-Chairmanship Endorsed

October 12, 2023
Author:Coalition Secretariat

Members of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action endorsed the extension for Indonesia as the Coalitions Co-Chair.

HP2 Publishes Summary of the Report on Strengthening the Role of Ministries of Finance in Driving Climate Action

April 13, 2023
Author:Coalition Secretariat

A new policy brief from the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action outlines the multiple benefits and opportunities of bold climate action and a framework for accelerating the transition to a low-carbon economy of the future.

HP3 Publishes Report on International Coordination Mechanisms for Climate Change Mitigation

April 05, 2023
Author:Coalition Secretariat

This is the first report of the Coalition published under the HP3 workstream. The report explores the main instruments available to countries wishing to pursue carbon pricing and builds on the discussions held in 2022 at Ministerial and Sherpa level.

Coalition Puts Forward its Work Programme for 2023

March 02, 2023
Author:Coalition Secretariat

The Coalition’s Work Programme for 2023 identifies key priorities under each Helsinki Principle workstream, taking into account the guidance provided by Finance Ministers at the Ministerial Meetings in April and October 2022, the meeting at COP27 on 9 November 2022, survey responses collected from Members and Institutional Partners, and other feedback received from workstreams. The Programme builds on the Annual Report of 12 October 2021, proposals for further work priorities from a nine Coalition Reports released and workshops performed in 2022.

Global Consultation: Strengthening the Role of Finance Ministers in Driving Climate Action

December 14, 2022
Author: Coalition Secretariat

The Coalition has launched a consultation process to obtain feedback on the draft of a forthcoming landmark report: Strengthening the Role of Ministries of Finance in Driving Climate Action.

HP6 Publishes Report on MoFs and NDCs: Raising Ambition and Accelerating Climate Action

November 30, 2022
Author: Coalition Secretariat

The Helsinki Principle 6 workstream has published its second report for the Coalition, Ministries of Finance and Nationally Determined Contributions: Raising Ambition and Accelerating Climate Action. The report details the status of work towards Helsinki Principle 6, explores the enhanced engagement of Ministers of Finance in NDC formulation, and examines how they can best contribute to successful outcomes aligned with the Paris Agreement through leadership and coordination with other sectors.

HP5 Publishes Report on Supporting Private Sector Net Zero Targets

November 17, 2022
Author: Coalition Secretariat

The private finance sector is critical to supporting net zero-aligned change in the real economy, contributing to meeting the global climate goals that governments and many financial institutions have committed to, and reducing climate change-related risks. Ministries of Finance are well-positioned to support the private sector on this path. HP5 has produced a report discussing various soft and regulatory power methods to improve the understanding of commitments, progress, risks, and opportunities domestically, which can also be used to set expectations for best practices internationally.