HP3 Workshop: Introducing Pricing on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture
The HP3 workstream held a webinar on 3 December 2024 around “Denmark’s Green Tripartite Agreement – introducing tax on Greenhouse Gases from Agriculture”.
COP29 Finance Day – Ministerial Meeting of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action
Photo credit: The Guardian
Finance Ministers and CEOs Unite for Dialogue on Nature Finance at COP16
HP4 Workshop: Country Showcase – Switzerland’s Fiscal Sustainability Report
The path to net-zero emissions will increase fiscal pressure, as climate mitigation measures slow economic growth and thus the growth of public revenues.
Changing the Climate – Reforming the Financial Sector to be fit for the 21st Century
Friday, September 27, 4pm – 5.30pm, followed by Cocktail Reception 5.30pm – 6:30pm
Enabling High Integrity Carbon Credit Markets Workshop
The HP5 workstream held a workshop on 17 September 2024 to unpack the role of Ministries of Finance in supporting robust country frameworks that ensure high integrity in the generation and use of carbon credits, driving climate finance with significant development impact and supporting ambitious decarbonization pathways. Background
National Transition Planning workshop at the CFMCA Asian Regional Meeting
This in-person workshop is part of the broader Coalition’s output on Green and Just Transition, Private sector mobilization, and NDCs. It is a follow-up to a virtual introductory workshop (May 22) and part of a series of regional workshops (other regions are being defined), with the objective to introduce key elements of national transition planning (NTP) and to provide hands-on experience in preparing for the planning process.
Natural capital accounting: integrating nature into policy and investment decisions
The Nature workstream held a workshop on Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) to unpack the role of Ministries of Finance in supporting the implementation of national and subnational NCA practices and how this information can drive policy decisions for sustainable development.