Read the Report: Better Recovery, Better World: Resetting Climate Action in the Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action (“the Coalition”) is a group of fifty-two finance ministers, engaged in efforts to address climate change through economic and financial policies according to the six Helsinki Principles. Peer learning and knowledge exchange plays a fundamental part in the Coalition’s success.
As part of the core mandate of Ministries of Finance, which is the design and implementation of sound macro-economic, fiscal and financial policies, the economic and social impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly relevant for the wellbeing of our society. This report examines the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis on climate policies from the angle of economic policies and offers a set of policy options for Finance Ministers.
The COVID-19 pandemic has unleashed suffering and economic crises of historic proportions, adding to the urgent existing need for accelerated transitions to low-carbon economies. Concerns were raised about how the economic fallout from COVID-19 would affect climate action. Following immediate action to manage the crisis, policy-makers need to design and implement recovery strategies that support sustainable growth over the medium and long term. The need for sound analysis, in line with the Helsinki Principles, is all the more critical given the challenging financial and economic circumstances.
This Report is a working document. Opinions or points of view expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Coalition or its members. The main findings of the Report will be presented to Finance Ministers at a later stage, after further preparatory work, with a view to gaining political guidance as well as direction for the Coalition’s further work priorities.
The primary audience for this report is policymakers at Ministries of Finance and Economy that are responsible for economic policy and cross-sector coordination. The report will also be of great interest to other ministries, institutions and academia working to support strong, inclusive, and sustainable recoveries that will help address climate change.
Pekka Morén Lorena Palomo
Co-Chairs of Sherpas, Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action