On Monday May 10, the Coalition hosted a workshop on Commitments and Measurement Methods for Private Sector Portfolio Alignment with the Paris Agreement. In the workshop, the findings from a recently finalized Coalition report were presented. The Summary for Policymakers and Presentation of Key findings are both available here.
Stefan Flückiger, Deputy State Secretary for International Finance, Switzerland and Marcel Beukeboom, Climate Envoy, the Netherlands spoke about their countries’ respective experiences encouraging financial institutions to commit to Paris Alignment, measuring their progress, and advancing portfolio and real world decarbonization. Jochem Wissenburg (Netherlands Ministry of Finance) and Florencia Baldi (Financial Centers for Sustainability) presented key findings from the Coalition report. Representatives from PACTA and PCAF presented their respective measurement tools and approaches. Finally, representatives from UBS and Amalgamated Bank spoke about their experiences using these measurement tools. Coalition members engaged in a discussion with these representatives and connections were made to facilitate bilateral experience sharing.
The Coalition will continue to advance knowledge and experience sharing on Paris Alignment commitments and measurement methods. The Summary for Policymakers suggests that Ministries of Finance and central banks, as well as international bodies such as the Coalition, have a role to play in fostering robust climate alignment initiatives and methodologies.