26 results found
PAGE, UN   |  
The Integrated Green Economy Modelling Framework – Technical Document.

Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) has developed the Integrated Green Economy Modelling (IGEM) framework that aims to better respond to countries’ needs in terms of analysing the cross- sectoral impacts of Green Economy (GE) policies.

Category:  Climate-Informed Fiscal Planning, Climate-Resilient Financial Sector, Align Policies with Paris Agreement, Share Experiences and Expertise, NDC Support and Implementation
IEA, OECD   |  
Insights from National Adaptation Monitoring and Evaluation Systems.

This document draws on insights related to current national approaches to monitoring and evaluation of adaptation, and puts them in the context of the international climate negotiations. Section 2 provides a definition of adaptation monitoring and evaluation, and gives an overview of the development of national approaches to adaptation monitoring and evaluation to date.

Category:  Align Policies with Paris Agreement, NDC Support and Implementation
IDB   |  
Climate Policies and Nationally Determined Contributions: Reconciling the Needed Ambition with the Political Economy.

Countries have pledged to stabilize global warming at a 1.5 to 2°C increase. Either target requires reaching net zero emissions before the end of the century, which implies a major transformation of the economic system. This paper reviews the literature on how policymakers can design climate policies and their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to reach zero-net emissions before the end of the century in a socially and politically-acceptable manner.

Category:  NDC Support and Implementation
The World in 2050 (TWI2050) Concept Note

TWI2050 is a a global research initiative launched by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), and the Stockholm Resilience Center (SRC).

Category:  Climate-Resilient Financial Sector, Align Policies with Paris Agreement, Share Experiences and Expertise, NDC Support and Implementation
OECD   |  
Climate Change Adaptation and Financial Protection: Synthesis of Key Findings from Colombia and Senegal.

Developing countries are disproportionately affected by the rising trend of losses from climate-related extreme events. These losses are projected to continue to increase in future, driven by climate change and the accumulation of people and assets in high-risk areas. Effective climate change policies are needed to reduce the accumulation of risk, combined with instruments and tools to help retain, share or transfer financial losses if an extreme event occurs.

Category:  Climate-Informed Fiscal Planning, Align Policies with Paris Agreement, NDC Support and Implementation
UNDP   |  
Hard Choices Integrated Approaches: A Guidance Note of Climate Change Financing Frameworks.

This Note outlines the core elements, processes, workfows, and outputs of a  Climate Change Financing Framework (CCFF). This is achieved by reviewing the roles and value-added aspects that a CCFF plays in facilitating a whole of government response to the challenges presented by climate change.

Category:  Climate-Resilient Financial Sector, NDC Support and Implementation
ClimaSouth Project   |  
Accessing Climate Finance: A Step-By-Step Approach for Practitioners.

This handbook is conceived as a toolbox for key government and other stakeholders in partner countries in their efforts to access climate finance. The ClimaSouth project uses an approach to access finance through learning-bydoing and capacity building. Facilitating the development of proposals and interfacing with sources of finance for climate-relevant/-specific projects and programs is the vehicle through which capacity for climate finance is further enhanced.

Category:  Climate-Resilient Financial Sector, NDC Support and Implementation
OECD   |  
National Climate Change Adaptation: Emerging Practices in Monitoring and Evaluation.

Developing countries are increasingly moving towards more strategic national policies and plans, the effectiveness of which will depend upon proper assessment of a given country’s vulnerability to climate change.

Category:  Climate-Informed Fiscal Planning, Align Policies with Paris Agreement, NDC Support and Implementation
GGGI, LES   |  
Looking for Green Jobs: The Impact of Green Growth on Employment

This Policy Brief draws on research carried out at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics and Political Science, with the generous financial support of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI). It also draws on work by the first author commissioned by the World Bank and published in the World Bank’s policy research working paper series (Bowen, 2012). We are grateful for comments from Dimitri Zenghelis, Tim Foxon and Sheng Fulai.

Category:  Climate-Resilient Financial Sector, Align Policies with Paris Agreement, NDC Support and Implementation
Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN)   |  
Good Practice in Designing and Implementing National Monitoring Systems for Adaptation to Climate Change.

In this report, we identify, analyse and compare international good practices in the design and implementation of national monitoring and evaluating indicator systems for climate change adaptation. This first chapter provides an introduction to the context and key terminology in the domain of climate change adaptation and indicators for M&E of adaptation. The second chapter discusses the existing approaches to M&E, while Chapter 3 provides a general overview of approaches to M&E Frameworks for Climate Change Adaptation.

Category:  Align Policies with Paris Agreement, NDC Support and Implementation