50 results found
U.S. Office of Management and Budget   |  
Climate Change: The Fiscal Risks Facing The Federal Government: A Preliminary Assessment.

Climate change is already affecting communities across the United States. This report outlines the contours of fiscal risk through five program-specific assessments: crop insurance, health care, wildfire suppression, hurricane-related disaster relief, and Federal facility flood risk. These programs were assessed because they are directly influenced by climate change, they have strong links to the Federal Budget, and quantitative scientific and economic models regarding the likely magnitude of impacts were available.

Category:  Climate-Informed Fiscal Planning, Climate-Resilient Financial Sector
IADB   |  
The Integrated Economic-Environmental Modelling Framework: An Illustration with Guatemala's Forest and Fuelwood Sectors.

This paper develops and operationalizes the Integrated Economic-Environmental Modelling (IEEM) platform which integrates environmental data organized under the first international standard for environmental-economic accounting with a powerful economy-wide modelling approach. IEEM enables the ex-ante economic analysis of public policies and investment on the economy and the environment in a quantitative, comprehensive and consistent framework.

Category:  Promote Carbon Pricing Measures, Climate-Informed Fiscal Planning, Climate-Resilient Financial Sector
IMF   |  
Analyzing and Managing Fiscal Risks: Best Practices.

This paper provides a set of analytical tools and best practices to help policy makers understand and manage fiscal risks. Rather than seeking to provide an alternative to standard debt sustainability analysis, the paper’s focus is on how countries can assess and manage fiscal risks more broadly—including tail risks—and to better incorporate uncertainty into fiscal policy analysis. The paper is structured as follows.

Category:  Climate-Informed Fiscal Planning, Climate-Resilient Financial Sector
ClimaSouth Project   |  
Accessing Climate Finance: A Step-By-Step Approach for Practitioners.

This handbook is conceived as a toolbox for key government and other stakeholders in partner countries in their efforts to access climate finance. The ClimaSouth project uses an approach to access finance through learning-bydoing and capacity building. Facilitating the development of proposals and interfacing with sources of finance for climate-relevant/-specific projects and programs is the vehicle through which capacity for climate finance is further enhanced.

Category:  Climate-Resilient Financial Sector, NDC Support and Implementation
GIZ   |  
National Monitoring Approaches for Climate Change Public Finance.

This paper describes the opportunities and costs associated with the development of monitoring approaches for national climate change public finance. It describes a leading example of climate change budget tracking, summarises five tools that can support climate change financial monitoring, and identifies key enabling conditions for its effective application.

Category:  Climate-Resilient Financial Sector
UNDP   |  
A Stock Take of Climate Change Financing Frameworks in Asia-Pacific

Climate Change Financing Frameworks (CCFFs) provide a structured response to climate change by establishing a framework for managing climate finance and gauging the adequacy and effectiveness of climate-related expenditures. This paper provides a summary of a comparative stock take of work related to CCFFs in the Asia-Pacific Region. UNDP’s Governance of Climate Change Finance Programme (GCCF) led
the Review (see Annex I for more information on GCCF).

Category:  Climate-Resilient Financial Sector
OECD   |  
National Climate Change Adaptation: Emerging Practices in Monitoring and Evaluation.

Developing countries are increasingly moving towards more strategic national policies and plans, the effectiveness of which will depend upon proper assessment of a given country’s vulnerability to climate change.

Category:  Climate-Informed Fiscal Planning, Align Policies with Paris Agreement, NDC Support and Implementation
GGGI, LES   |  
Looking for Green Jobs: The Impact of Green Growth on Employment

This Policy Brief draws on research carried out at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, London School of Economics and Political Science, with the generous financial support of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI). It also draws on work by the first author commissioned by the World Bank and published in the World Bank’s policy research working paper series (Bowen, 2012). We are grateful for comments from Dimitri Zenghelis, Tim Foxon and Sheng Fulai.

Category:  Climate-Resilient Financial Sector, Align Policies with Paris Agreement, NDC Support and Implementation
Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN)   |  
Good Practice in Designing and Implementing National Monitoring Systems for Adaptation to Climate Change.

In this report, we identify, analyse and compare international good practices in the design and implementation of national monitoring and evaluating indicator systems for climate change adaptation. This first chapter provides an introduction to the context and key terminology in the domain of climate change adaptation and indicators for M&E of adaptation. The second chapter discusses the existing approaches to M&E, while Chapter 3 provides a general overview of approaches to M&E Frameworks for Climate Change Adaptation.

Category:  Align Policies with Paris Agreement, NDC Support and Implementation