17 results found
Ecofys, WBG   |  
State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2015.

The report is a one stop shop for learning about key developments and prospects of existing and emerging carbon initiatives. A challenging international carbon market has not stopped the development of domestic carbon pricing initiatives. Today, about 40 national and over 20 sub-national jurisdictions responsible for almost one fourth of global greenhouse gas emissions are putting a price on carbon.

Category:  Promote Carbon Pricing Measures
WBG, PMR   |  
Carbon Leakage Theory, Evidence and Policy Design

The World Bank’s Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) brings together developed and developing countries to build readiness for carbon market instruments to support cost-effective greenhouse gas emissions reductions. As part of the PMR’s Technical Work Program, the World Bank asked Vivid Economics to develop a technical note on the issue of carbon leakage and competitiveness. This issue is of interest to a range of PMR countries and is of great importance to successful design and implementation of carbon pricing policies.

Category:  Promote Carbon Pricing Measures
WBG   |  
Economic Resilience Definition and Measurement (2014)

The (economic) welfare disaster risk in a country can be reduced by reducing the exposure or vulnerability of people and assets (reducing asset losses), increasing macroeconomic resilience (reducing aggregate consumption losses for a given level of asset losses), or increasing microeconomic resilience (reducing welfare losses for a given level of aggregate consumption losses). The paper proposes rules of thumb to estimate macroeconomic and microeconomic resilience based on the relevant parameters in the economy.

Category:  Climate-Informed Fiscal Planning, Climate-Resilient Financial Sector, Align Policies with Paris Agreement, NDC Support and Implementation
WBG   |  
Economic Resilience Definition and Measurement

The (economic) welfare disaster risk in a country can be reduced by reducing the exposure or vulnerability of people and assets (reducing asset losses), increasing macroeconomic resilience (reducing aggregate consumption losses for a given level of asset losses), or increasing microeconomic resilience (reducing welfare losses for a given level of aggregate consumption losses). The paper proposes rules of thumb to estimate macroeconomic and microeconomic resilience based on the relevant parameters in the economy.

Category:  Climate-Informed Fiscal Planning, Climate-Resilient Financial Sector, NDC Support and Implementation
WBG   |  
‘Green’ Growth, ‘Green’ Jobs and Labor Markets

The term ‘green jobs’ can refer to employment in a narrowly defined set of industries providing environmental services. But it is more useful for the policy-maker to focus on the broader issue of the employment consequences of policies to correct environmental externalities such as anthropogenic climate change. Most of the literature focuses on direct employment created, with more cursory treatment of indirect and induced job creation, especially that arising from macroeconomic effects of policies.

Category:  Climate-Informed Fiscal Planning, Align Policies with Paris Agreement, NDC Support and Implementation
WBG   |  
From Growth to Green Growth: A Framework (2011)

Green growth is about making growth processes resource efficient, cleaner and more resilient without necessarily slowing them. This paper aims at clarifying these concepts in an analytical framework and at proposing foundations for green growth.

Category:  Climate-Resilient Financial Sector, Align Policies with Paris Agreement, Share Experiences and Expertise, NDC Support and Implementation
WBG   |  
Environmental Fiscal Reform: What Should Be Done and How to Achieve It

The term environmental fiscal reform (EFR) means different things to different people. In this report, we will take EFR to mean: a range of taxation or pricing instruments that can raise revenue, while simultaneously furthering environmental goals. This is achieved by providing economic incentives to correct market failure in the management of natural resources and the control of pollution.

Category:  Promote Carbon Pricing Measures, Climate-Informed Fiscal Planning