Venue: African Development Bank Headquarters, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
The Ministry of Finance, Cote D'Ivoire and the World Bank will host the Fourth Sherpa Meeting of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action on February 24-26 in Abidjan, Cote D'Ivoire.
The meeting will provide an opportunity for the Coalition members to move forward on their shared journey towards low-carbon, climate resilience. Key policy issues and analytical efforts under the Helsinki Principles will be discussed in preparation for the Ministerial meeting in April. At the meeting, sherpas will also crystalize the direction of the Coalition's work-plans and consider ways to strengthen working arrangements and governance.
This year, 2020, brings renewed focus on raising the ambition of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and Ministries of Finance have to play a central role in supporting effective preparation and implementation of NDC plans. Hence, the Sherpas Meeting will place additional emphasis on the NDCs, showcasing Côte d’Ivoire with the launch of their NDC Partnership Plan.
- Perspectives on NDC Preparation and Implementation - NDC Partnership
- Aligning Policies and Practices with the Paris Agreement - SITRA, World Bank
- Update on Green Financial System Roadmaps - UNEP
- Encouraging Financial System Commitments & Measurement - Ministry of Finance, Netherlands
- Climate-related Financial Risk Disclosure – The Need for Global Action - HM Treasury, United Kingdom
- Financing Challenges on Adaptation/Mitigation - Ministry of Finance, Luxembourg
- Enhancing Private Sector Engagement in Adaptation - World Bank Group
- Climate Risks in Financial Systems of Latin America - Inter-American Development Bank
- How Reforming Fossil Fuel Subsidies Can Go Wrong - Ministry of Finance, Ecuador
- Implementing Mitigation Policies in a Developing Country, Ministry of Finance, Uganda
- Carbon Policies in Canada: Lessons Learned and Results, Department of Finance, Canada
- Enhancing the Acceptability of Carbon Pricing Reforms, International Monetary Fund
- Helsinki Principles Key Messages and Updated Work Program
- Take Climate Change into Account in Macroeconomic Policy Processes, Department of Finance, Philippines
- Using Models to Mainstream Climate Change into Economic Planning and Policy-making, World Bank
- How can the IMF help Members Build Capacity to Address Climate Change, International Monetary Fund