Joint HP5-HP2 workshop: Paris Agreement Article 2.1(c) Implementation
To address member requests two workshops on the topic are being arranged: the current workshop (open to Coalition members), as well as UNFCC SCF-led workshop to be held on November 2, details tbd (open to all Ministries of Finance).
Addressing Climate Change from a Disaster Risk Management and Financing Perspective Workshop
The HP4, HP5, and Adaptation workstreams organized a workshop focused on disaster risk financing on September 20, 2023. The workshop provided Coalition members with an overview of disaster risk financing by experts from the World Bank, presented the World Bank’s Disaster Resilient and Responsive Public Financial Management Assessment Tool, summarized the European Commission’s findings on disaster risk financing in EU member states, and provided the United Kingdom, Mexico, and the Philippines with an opportunity highlight the progress that they’ve made on this important topic.
HP2 Guide Presented during the Bundesministerium für Finanzen: Forum Finanz
The Coalition was proud to present the flagship guide at the Austrian Ministry of Finance on Monday, the 18th of September 2023, as part of their Forum Finanz event series.
Empowering Climate Action: Ministries of Finance Role in Nationally Determined Contributions and Long-Term Strategies Implementation Workshop
The Coalition Secretariat and the NDC Partnership co-organized a workshop on September 12 to highlight key messages and results of the Coalition’s report Ministries of Finance and Nationally Determined Contributions: Raising Ambition and Accelerating Climate Action. They have collaborated closely with Uganda and Jamaica to advance this work under Helsinki Principle 6 and 1 workstreams and to strengthen the crucial role of Ministries of Finance (MoF) in shaping, updating, and implementing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-term Strategies (LTS).
Role of Finance Ministries in Catalyzing Private Finance for Adaptation
The Secretariat for the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action (the Coalition), and the Coalition’s institutional partners (IPs), UNDP and UNEP, co-organized a webinar on August 17, 2023 to discuss these challenges and opportunities for scaling up adaptation private finance and the role that Finance Ministries can play and has been playing in catalyzing private finance for adaptation.
Capacity Building, Training and Research Support Action - Presentation of activities by the Institutional Partners (2nd edition)
Aiming to capitalize on existing experience and expertise of the Coalition’s Institutional Partners, the workshop offered the 2nd review of on-going and planned training, research, and capacity building activities of IPs.
Joint HP5-Nature workshop: Update on climate-related and nature-related disclosure requirements
This workshop informed members on the developments in the above disclosure requirements, what these standards would mean in practice, and the role of Finance Ministries in implementing them at national levels.
Green Transition Taxonomy Workshop
On Tuesday, July 11, the Coalition hosted the “Green Transition Taxonomies” seminar under the Green Transition workstream. Speakers highlighted the relevance of taxonomies to follow overarching guiding principles, while recognizing differences in national priorities (e.g., NDCs) and limitations (e.g., affordability) that translate into different decarbonization starting points and trajectories.
Adaptation Planning and Financing through NAPs and NDCs: Country Experiences (Webinar)
This webinar is co-organized with UNDP and UNEP, institutional partners of the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action and is the first of a two-part webinar series focusing on adaptation planning and financing. Whole-of-government approaches to adaptation planning and financing strategies and the role of finance ministries in the development and implementation of NAPs and NDCs as relates to climate adaptation were presented during the session along with shared experiences of Ministries of Finance and Economy through an interactive panel discussion.